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Exponential Stability for Wave Equations with Indefinite (Non-Dissipative) Damping
Reinhard Racke
31.10.2005, 16:00 Uhr – 18:00 Uhr

We consider the non-linear wave equation $ u_{tt}-\sigma(u_x)_x + a(x) u_t = 0$, $ x\in (0,L)$, where the function a is allowed to change sign, but has to satisfy $ \bar{a}=\frac{1}{L}\int_0^L a(x)dx > 0$. New conditions are presented for this non-dissipative situation with indefinite damping term, under which the linearized system is exponentially stable, and the nonlinear system is globally well-posed in the small.

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Veranstaltungen 2005