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Gauge Theories in Higher Dimensions
Roger Bielawski, Olaf Lechtenfeld, Ulrich Theis
10.8.2014 – 13.8.2014
Riemann Center for Geometry and
Physics at Leibniz Universitaet Hannover

The workshop intends to bring together active researchers in mathematics and theoretical physics for an exchange on the subject of Yang-Mills theory in higher dimensions. The program consists of talks by the following invitedspeakers:

Charles P. Boyer (University of New Mexico)
Yalong Cao (Chinese University of Hong Kong)
Sergey Cherkis (University of Arizona)
Chon-Sun Chu (Durham University)
Andrew Clarke (Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro)
Jerome P. Gauntlett (Imperial College London)
Derek Harland (University of Leeds)
Andriy Haydys (Universitaet Bielefeld)
Kazuo Hosomichi (Kyoto University)
Yosuke Imamura (Tokyo Institute of Technology)
Marcos Jardim (Universidade Estadual de Campinas)
Guglielmo Lockhart (Harvard University)
Dario Martelli (King's College London)
Christian Sämann (Heriot-Watt University, Edinburgh)
James Sparks (University of Oxford)
Yuuji Tanaka (Nagoya University)
Seiji Terashima (Kyoto University)
Thomas Walpuski (Imperial College London)
Martin Wolf (University of Surrey)
Maxim Zabzine (Uppsala Universitet)

Workshops 2014