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Diploma Theses

Diploma Thesis
Nathan Ilten
"On toric deformations of cyclic quotient singularities"
From 30 Nov 2006 to 29 Mar 2007
Advisor: Prof. Dr. Klaus Altmann

In comparison to other singularities, the deformation theory of cyclic quotient is less complicated; there is even a canonical description of the versal deformation. This diploma thesis analyzes the deformation theory of these objects from a combinatorial perspective, using the correspondence of cyclic quotient singularities to two dimensional affine toric varieties. Combinatorial criterion are provided for determining to which versal base components one-parameter toric deformations maps. A particularily exact description is made in the case of T-singularities. Finally, a method for constructing certain non-homogeneous multi-parameter toric deformations is described.

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Diploma Theses 2006