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Summer Term 2009

All · Lecture · Undergraduate Seminar · Seminar · Advanced Seminar · Research Seminar · Other


Dr. Joa Weber
Die Geometrie der Gruppe der symplektischen Diffeomorphismen
Wed. 11:00 am - 12:30 pm
HU Berlin
Department of Mathematics
Rudower Chaussee 25, Rm. 1.315


Prof. Dr. Priska Jahnke
Lineare Algebra I (Lehramt mit Mathematik als Zweitfach)
Freie Universitaet Berlin
Institut fuer Mathematik
Mon. and Wed. 8-10

Prof. Dr. Priska Jahnke
Mathematics for Geoscientists II
Freie Universitaet Berlin
Institut fuer Mathematik
Monday 16 - 18 Uhr - Arnimallee 3 HS 001

Riemannsche Geometrie

Undergraduate Seminar

Andreas Hochenegger, Nathan Ilten
Seminar/Proseminar: Algebraische Kurven über endlichen Körpern
Freie Universitaet Berlin
Institut fuer Mathematik
Thursday 16 - 18 Uhr - Arnimallee 6 SR 009

Lars Petersen
Seminar/Proseminar: Lie Gruppen und Lie Algebren - Eine Einführung
Freie Universitaet Berlin
Institut fuer Mathematik
Wednesday 16 - 18 Uhr - Arnimallee 3 SR 210


Prof. Dr. Priska Jahnke
Seminar on Elliptic Curves and Cryptography
Freie Universitaet Berlin
Institut fuer Mathematik
Tuesday 10 - 12 Uhr - Arnimallee 3 SR 119

Robert Vollmert /Klaus Altmann
Seminar Algebraische Gruppen (Sphärische Varietäten)
Freie Universitaet Berlin
Institut fuer Mathematik
Monday16 - 18 Uhr - Arnimallee 3 SR 210

Seminar on the geometry of the Laplace operator
Thu 9 - 11, RUD 25, 1.012
HU Berlin

Advanced Seminar

Blockseminar "Spektralsequenzen in der Geometrie"

Research Seminar

Geometric Analysis and Spectral Theory
Wed 16.30 - 18.00, RUD 25, 1.410

Prof. Dr. Alexander Schmitt
Seminar für Diplomanden und Doktoranden


Lecture Event
A Hodge-type theorem for manifolds with fibred cusp metrics
21 Apr 2009, 15:30

Prof. Yakar Kannai (Weizmann Institute, Rehovot/ Israel)
Real and complex approaches to kernels associated with the Heisenberg Laplacian
27 Apr 2009, 15:00 – 16:00

Dr. Johannes Henn (HU Berlin)
Yangian symmetry and Scattering Amplitudes in Superconformal Yang-Mills Theory
27 Apr 2009, 16:30 – 17:30

Lecture Event
Prof. Dr. Helmut HOFER (Courant Institute, New York)
Periodic Orbits in Symplectic Geometry and the Weinstein Conjecture
29 Apr 2009, 15:00 – 16:00
HU Berlin
Rudower Chaussee 26, 0'311

Lecture Event
Prof. Dr. Helmut HOFER (Courant Institute, New York)
29 Apr 2009, 16:30 – 18:00
HU Berlin
Rudower Chaussee 26, Raum 0'311

Lecture Event
Dr. Ursula Ludwig (Freiburg)
The Witten complex for algebraic curves with cone-like singularities
5 May 2009, 15:30

Higgs bundles and vanishing theorems
11 May 2009, 15:00 – 16:00

Dr. Joakim Arnlind (MPI Golm)
Membrane equations and matrix regularization
11 May 2009, 16:30 – 17:30

PD Dr. Harald Dorn (HU Berlin)
On Timelike and Spacelike Minimal Surfaces in AdS_n and the Alday-Maldacena Conjecture
1 Jun 2009, 15:00 – 16:00

Dr. J. Mark Heinzle (Vienna)
Oscillatory Singularities and the Mixmaster Universe
1 Jun 2009, 16:30 – 17:30

Lecture Event
Reeb chords in pre-quantization spaces
7 Jun 2009, 12:00

Lecture Event
Leaf-wise intersections and Rabinowitz Floer homology
9 Jun 2009, 15:30

Lecture Event
Charles Frances (Paris-Sud)
Rigidity of conformal boundaries in pseudo-Riemannian geometry
16 Jun 2009, 15:30

Lecture Event
Marco Mazzuchelli (Pisa)
The Conley conjecture for Ronelli systems
21 Jun 2009, 14:00

Prof. Ivan Cheltsov (University of Edinburgh)
Exceptional four-dimensional quotient singularities
22 Jun 2009, 15:00 – 16:00

Dr. Marco Mazzucchelli (Pisa University)
The Conley Conjecture for Lagrangian Systems
22 Jun 2009, 16:30 – 17:30

Lecture Event
Prof. Dr. Daniel Hernandez Ruiperez (Salamanca)
Fourier-Mukai and Nahm transforms in Geometry
23 Jun 2009, 15:30

Lecture Event
Prof. Markus J. Pflaum (Colorado)
Higher index theorems on orbifolds
23 Jun 2009, 16:30

Lecture Event
Asymptotic heat kernel expansion in the semi-classical limit
30 Jun 2009, 15:30

Lecture Event
Prof. Evgeny Korotyaev (Cardiff)
Inverse electrostatic problem on the plane
7 Jul 2009, 15:30

Dr. Fabian Ziltener (Toronto)
Symplectic Vortices and a Quantum Kirwan Map
13 Jul 2009, 15:00 – 16:00

Juliette Hell (FU Berlin)
Blow-up and Conley index at infinity
13 Jul 2009, 16:30 – 17:30

Lecture Event
Dr. Fabian Ziltener (Toronto)
A Maslov Map for Coisotropic Submanifolds
14 Jul 2009, 15:30