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Special Event
Mirror symmetry and homological Mirror symmetry
1. Andrejewski Vorlesung/ SFB Seminartag (Prof. Fukaya, Dr. Rendall)
13 Nov 2006, 14:00 – 17:00


Exotic matter models in cosmology
PD Dr. Alan Rendall
13 Nov 2006, 15:30 – 16:30

Efforts to find an explanation for the accelerated expansion of our universe and to understand more about the initial cosmological singularity have led to the investigation of a variety of exotic matter models in general relativity and alternative theories of gravity. The first aim of this talk is to give an introduction to these developments. The second is to explain some recent mathematical results on the asymptotics of cosmological models. The main emphasis is on the mildly exotic massive scalar field and f(R theories of gravity.

Activities 2006