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Graduate Seminar
"Moduli of representations of the McKay quiver"
Diane Maclagan
28 Nov 2005, 13:00 – 15:00

When G is a finite subgroup of SL(3) the moduli space M_theta of representations of the McKay quiver is a crepant resolution of the quotient singularity C^n/G. I will describe joint work with Alastair Craw and Rekha Thomas giving an explicit description of the component of M_theta that is birational to C^n/G for abelian G in GL(n, \mathbb{C} ) for arbitrary n as a (not necessarily normal) toric variety. A special case of the moduli of McKay quiver representations is Nakamura's G-Hilbert scheme, and our explicit description allows us to construct pathological examples of these schemes.

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