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Lecture Event
Semifinite Noncommutative Geometry and Applications
Prof. Dr. Alan Carey
22 Apr 2012

The lectures will start with an overview. I will then discuss some topics that I have been involved in over the last few years. These include von Neumann spectral flow and noncommutative geometry including a brief mention of K-theory and K-homology. Then I will discuss spectral triples and the local index formula and its relevance to semifinite index theory. If time permits I will say something about type III algebras and KMS states.
Talk 1: Mo, 23.4., 17:00-18:30, Hörsaal 1.013
Talk 2: Mi, 25.4., 16:30-18:00, Hörsaal 1.115
Talk 3: Mi, 2.5., 16: 30-18:00, Hörsaal 1.013

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Lecture Events 2012