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Lecture Event
SFB Colloquium Novel Methods for Perturbative QFT (research Project C4 and joint seminar with AEI)
Oliver Schnetz, Dmytro Volin, N.Emil J. Bjerrum-Bohr
6 May 2013, 13:30 – 17:30


"Integrability and multiple zeta-functions in planar N=4 SYM"
Dr. Dmytro Volin
6 May 2013, 15:30 – 16:30


I will explain how to perform higher loop computations in planar N=4 SYM using integrability techniques. In particular, we will discuss the so called Konishi anomalous dimension, which we computed explicitly up to eight loops, observing appearance of a non-reducible multiple zeta-value for the first time, and for which the highest transcendental terms can be resummed at all orders of the perturbation theory. Finally, I will give a conjecture that only multiple zeta-values can appear in the answer at any order of the perturbative expansion.

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Lecture Events 2013