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Lecture Event
SBF-Seminar "Stratified Spaces" (Research Project C7)
9 Feb 2015, 13:30 – 17:00


Whitney and Thom-Mather spaces with applications to spectral theory
9 Feb 2015, 16:00 – 17:00

The systematic study of stratified spaces was initiated by Hassler Whitney in the 1940's. He defined them as special subsets of smooth manifolds, with a deceptively simple description, and showed their applicability to analytic sets (to be referred to as W-spaces). In the 1960's, René Thom generalized Whitney's approach to abstract spaces, with a view of applications to structurally stable smooth maps. For these spaces he conjectured a lot more structure, decoding Whitney's famous "condition (b)"; Thom sketched proofs of all his assertions which were impossible to understand, though.

In solving the problem of structural stability, John Mather gave eventually a careful and complete proof of all important results conjectured by Thom such that I will refer to them as
TM-spaces. In the talk, I will briefly introduce the main notions with some illustrations, and then indicate a proof of the following generalization of Whitney's embedding result for manifolds.

Theorem: Every compact TM-space can be embedded into some Euclidean space in such a way that the image
(which inherits the structure of a TM space) is actually a W-space.

Applications to spectral theory arise from considering the top-dimensional stratum in W, which is an open and dense manifold, as a Riemannian manifold with the metric induced from the above embedding. For certain such spaces, we can establish the analogue of Weyl's law for the Laplacian on differential forms.

Lecture Events 2015