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Motivic invariants related to K3 and abelian geometries
R. Pandharipande; G. Farkas
2 Feb 2015, 13:00 – 5 Feb 2015, 11:45

Johann von Neumann Haus: Rudower Chaussee 25, Berlin-Adlershof
IRIS Haus: Zum Großen Windkanal 6, Berlin-Adlershof

Tuesday (3 February): von Neumann Haus [Humboldt-Kabinett]

14:00 -- 15:15 M. Westerholt-Raum, Generating functions which are automorphic forms: examples and structure
15:30 -- 16:45 S. Katz, Motivic stable pairs invariants and K3 surfaces
17:00 -- 18:00 R. Pandharipande, Curve counting on K3 surfaces and modular forms [HU colloquium, Rm 1.115]

Wednesday (4 February): IRIS Haus [Rm 2.07]

11:00 -- 12:15 A. Klemm, Topological string on elliptic CY 3-folds and the ring of weak Jacobi forms
13:30 -- 14:45 G. Oberdieck, Enumerative geometry of K3 x E and the Igusa cusp form
15:15 -- 16:30 J. Choi, Refined stable pair invariants and the moduli of sheaves
16:45 -- 18:00 L. Goettsche, Refined curve counting on surfaces and tropical geometry

Thursday (5 February): von Neumann Haus [Rm 1.013]

13:30 -- 14:45 G. Farkas, A uniformization of the moduli space of abelian varieties of dimension 6
15:15 -- 16:30 B. Bakker, Higher rank stable pairs on K3 surfaces
16:45 -- 18:00 Q. Yin, Counting curves on abelian surfaces and threefolds

Friday (6 February): von Neumann Haus

10:00 -- 11:15 M. Kemeny, Syzygies of curves [Rm 1.011]
11:30 -- 12:45 J. Shen, Euler characteristics and DT invariants in degree 0 for abelian varieties [Rm 1.013]

Program, Participants:

Workshops 2015