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Lecture Event
SFB-Seminar "Index Theory and Anomalies in QFT" (Research Project C7)
Prof. Dr. Christian Baer, Prof. Dr. Alexander Strohmaier
9 Nov 2015, 14:00 – 17:00


The gravitational chiral anomaly and index theory for hyperbolic operators
Prof. Dr. Alexander Strohmaier (Loughborough University)
9 Nov 2015, 16:00 – 17:00

Anomalies play an important role in our understanding of Quantum Field Theory. They can be understood in the context of QFT in external fields in terms of charge generation by interaction with an external field. I will explain in rigorous terms the mathematics behind this process and relate it to index theory. I will then show how this relates to the index of the Dirac operator with Atiyah-Patodi-Singer boundary conditions as explained in the talk of C. Bär. This allows for a rigorous derivation of the gravitational chiral anomaly and an eta correction term. I will briefly discuss some physical consequences.

Lecture Events 2015