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Graduate Seminar
Weak Landau--Ginzburg models and toric degenerations
Victor V. Przyjalkowski (Moskau/Wien)
22 Nov 2009, 15:15
Inst. f. Mathematik
Arnimalle 3, Rm. 119

Given a smooth Fano variety, Mirror Symmetry predicts the existence of a so called Landau-Ginzburg model -- one-dimensional family of varieties whose symplectic geometry reflects the algebraic geometry of the Fano variety, and viceversa. We discuss this relation for mirror symmetry conjecture of Hodge structure variations that translates this relation to a quantitative level. Given Landau-Ginzburg model one may predict some numerical invariants of Fano variety and its birational type. We discuss relation (going back to Batyrev) between Landau-Ginzburg models for given Fano variety and its toric degenerations.

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